Welcome to the Owners Association and info’ guide for the Anderson 22 and 26 British lift keel cruiser/racers with transatlantic performance.
January 2020: Note this new site has been recovered and redesigned. For those members of the previous site your old login and password will not work. Please contact me via the contact form..

The purpose of the Association is to pool assistance and experiences for owners, facilitate ‘meet-ups’, and provide information to prospective owners, aiding the class profile.
Even now the Anderson is something of a well-kept secret. Those who know of the boat’s capabilities seek them out, others are pleasantly surprised. ‘Sailing Today’ magazine featured the Anderson 22 in the review ‘Legendary Lift keeler’ in the December 2006 Issue,
To say this is worth a look for anyone interested in an Anderson 22 is an understatement. ‘Practical Boat Owner’ also gave a very favourable review, ‘ Anderson’s All Rounder ‘ in 1997.
If you are considering the Anderson 22 and have a query not answered by the ‘ Buyers Guide ‘ here, please feel free to contact me, Andy Lawson.
Meet the Owner

Andy Lawson started as a specialist photographer in the aerospace industry, and then I will insert a load of text about how he got engrossed in sailing after a chance encounter with an Anderson 22. The really good bit is about how he upgraded and sold his 22 only to buy it back so many years later. Brilliant.
This, 2020, is my 42nd season with my Anderson 22 which my father and I built from a kit and I have since modified the interior in various details.